Hi, I’m Margie! My intent is eating well with ease. I share recipes that are streamlined, reliable, budget friendly, and delicious. I live in Chicago with my husband, we’re empty nesters enjoying retirement. We are parents to two beautiful people who continue to inspire my adventures in the kitchen. I’m a big fan of pizza, hiking, and Oxford commas.

I started More Please in 2008, excited to join the growing community of food bloggers and eager to document my own recipes and cooking adventures. I took a break to focus on family and work, but never stopped going back to my blog recipes and working on new ones.

My cooking style has shifted, it’s less aspirational, more concerned with ease. I find myself streamlining process or tools when possible without significant compromise on results, considering budget more when choosing ingredients and equipment, striving to minimize food waste by scaling recipes appropriately, making better use of leftovers, and planning more strategically.

I’m obsessed with cookbooks and food writing and happily devour as much content as I can. I’m old enough to remember when “food day” was sadly relegated to Wednesday in the local newspaper. So the abundance and growing diversity of food writing today is a joy. More Please by margie gives me a chance to jump in the pool! Thank you for visiting.