pizzeria salad is crispy lettuce tossed with giardiniera relish, fresh vegetables, mozzarella, and pepperoni

Pizzeria Salad

You know the drill. You're at the pizzeria and need something to munch while you wait for your pie. So you order the Pizzeria Salad, or something quite like it.…
Sloppy Joes

Sloppy Joes

My relationship with Sloppy Joes had its ups and downs. I enjoyed them as a kid, then promptly forgot about them for twenty years. Then my kids requested them. And…
Tomato Butter Sauce

Tomato Butter Sauce

If there’s a single recipe that captures my goal of eating well with ease, it’s pasta with tomato butter sauce. It’s one of the standby meals that I make often…
roasted tomato butter sauce

Roasted Tomato Butter Sauce

Ripe in-season tomatoes are key to this luscious sauce, adapted from the acclaimed recipe in Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking by Marcella Hazan. Roasted Tomato Butter Sauce launched my blog 15 years…
End of Summer Tomato Bread

End of Summer Tomato Bread

Tomato bread is a retro classic that reminds me of growing up in the 70’s. It appeared frequently as an appetizer at family parties. Tomato bread was replaced by the trendier bruschetta, but it’s still…